Search for Products

Search for Products

A powerful search feature allows you to get suggestions across Products, Categories, Brands and Manufacturers - dynamically, as you type!

    • Related Articles

    • Navigate the Products Page

      User can reach the Products Page in any of these 3 ways: via the Search Drilldown from Category tab on Landing Page and click on a Leaf Category Click on a Manufacturer from the “Manufacturers” tab on Landing Page Click on a Brand from the “Brands” ...
    • Compare Products

      Up to 5 products can be compared at a time. Please see steps below:
    • Create Custom List of Products

      The Products page allows users to create their own product lists. There are two ways of doing this: Select multiple products on the page and add them all to a single list Add a product individually to a list Adding multiple products to list: Adding a ...
    • Use the LHN on Products Page

    • Add Manufacturer and Brand Filters

      Adding a filter on Manufacturer or Brand can be done from the Left Hand Navigation pane. These filters apply to other elements on screen such as the Category Tree and the Search scope. Following steps illustrate these actions: